EDITOR’S NOTE:  The items featured on this site have been suggested by other adjusters.  Not all tools are right for all adjusters.  Do your research to determine the best item for you.  As an adjuster for over a dozen years, I have used some of the tools featured on this website.  You will see my rating and review of the tools I’ve used in the Ratings & Reviews section of each item’s page.  Please feel free to rate and review any tool that you may have used.  If there’s an item that you think we need to feature, please go to our Suggest-A-Tool page. 

View by Category

From productivity to photo annotation, resizing and communication, these recommend programs will help you become more efficient and improve your claim quality.

Your new computer doesn’t come with everything you’ll need.  Here are some accessories recommended by experienced adjusters.

It seems like everything can be done on your phone today.  Here are some of the most popular apps that many adjusters recommend and use to improve how they work.

From digital pitch gauges to telescoping ladders and tools vest, this section features some of the tools you might not have been told about before you went on your first inspection.

Safety First.  Climbing roofs of any pitch can be dangerous.  Here are some of the tools recommended by fellow adjusters to keep you safe during inspections.

Often overlooked, your vehicle is your most important tool.  Here are some automotive accessories and tools you should have in your vehicle before you head out on storm.

Khakis and a golf shirt will get you started but, here are some clothing items recommend by fellow adjusters to keep you cool, warm and safe.

This category contains miscellaneous items that will help you do your job.  All of these have been recommended by fellow adjusters.