Field Equipment

Ladders are one of the most important tools for the job.  They come in a variety of configurations.  Here’s a list of ladders recommend by other adjusters. 

A camera is one of your most important tools.  Whether it’s a digital still camera or an action video camera, here are some that have been recommended by fellow adjusters.

Improve your accuracy and efficiency with the right measuring devise.  While a standard tape measure will work for most jobs, these tools will get the job done faster.

You can’t do everything with a phone app.  Here is a list of hand tools most successful adjusters use on just about every inspection they do.

Now that you have your hand tools, you need a place to store, organize and carry them.  Some adjusters prefer tool belts while others use repurposed fishing and tactical vests.

From marking up roofs to sketching, here are some items recommended by fellow adjusters that will make the job easier, faster and more accurate.